Tuesday 23 November 2010

Some people

It's like some people haven't grasped the concept that the world doesn't revolve around them. They don't appreciate other people's efforts, their opinions, their thoughts, their needs. Self-gratification is their only aim - emotional and physical whores. Friends are harvested for their benefits, feeding the ego and the soul with empty substance.

Wednesday 17 November 2010


Such is love. We are but sailors on life's ocean, tossed like so many salads until we throw up over the side, or hit a big fuck-off iceberg. Or a lettuce.

Friday 12 November 2010

So old

Sometimes I feel like giving up - I feel so old, like I've lived hundreds of lives packed into this lifetime - an eternity of experiences tearing me apart at the seams. Sometimes I don't know who I am, sometimes I don't know where I stand. The sky reflects my emotions, but only if I can tell it what i'm feeling. It's the pain that reminds us we're still alive.

Friday 5 November 2010

My brother

I know the drone downstairs is my brother on the phone to the samaritans. A hollow guilty feeling steals over me, because I know I should do something, but I know I won't. He killed my enthusiasm for caring with a thousand negative comments, always shirking from my touch, never opening up, except with desperation. Now the only person he talks to is an anonymous voice, who just listens.