Monday, 10 January 2011

Late Sunday night

My head is brimming with thoughts, as it usually is at this time of night. Thoughts of what lies ahead for the week - dealing with the plumber, and perhaps a replacement boiler. Lots of driving practice to be done. Trying to negotiate a six month leave-of-absence with my boss, after he put two years' worth of work on my desk for this year. My eternal optimism that I might get up at 7am to go for a run before work. After five hours' sleep. It'll be the one escape from my head if I manage it.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011


The traditional proverb states that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, but I'm beginning to disagree. You can't miss what you never had, and likewise, you don't know what you have 'til it's gone.

I'm despondent of late. My siblings have been bothering me, an eejit of a taxi driver used his indicator to assume automatic right-of-way over me on the way home. I feel trapped by the scouts, but the sense of letting them down if I were to pull out would be too much.

My friends are happily coupled... do I resent them? Is that what this is? With their apartments and houses that they call their own. Their separate lives entwined around and within each other, supporting, nurturing, helping, loving.

Instead I surround myself with stuff. Items. Goods. Things. The things I said I could live without. CDs. DVDs. Alcohol. yay.

Saturday, 1 January 2011