Wednesday, 10 September 2008


My ex-girlfriend and I used to have a thing about giraffes. They were one of several motifs in our relationship - what noise they made, their long, slender necks, the purpose of the zogabongs...

The end result is that every time I see a giraffe, I am reminded of her. Up to recently, I had several little model giraffes sitting on my bookshelf that I had never quite gotten around to getting rid of. But after an encounter with her a couple of weeks ago left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, I decided I had to chuck them.

One was a photograph holder, which I don't use, but still plan to, so he's been relocated to my photo stash. One was a gift from my mother, and has been relegated to storage. Another was a quite beautiful wood carving, and I decided it would be a crime to throw it away, so it was placed in storage as well. Next to the parcel containing various souvenirs of this girl. I'm very much a hoarder - of information, of objects, of memories. So understand my reluctance and my pain, at then disposing of two perfectly innocent giraffes in my rubbish bin.

They're gone now, like her, and I'm finding myself able to live with that. Unexpectedly.
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